Tuesday, September 1, 2009

IKEA mission

on sunday, Roger and i went to ikea to get the final touches for the apartment. We got this awesome table and assembled it. We also got a new book shelf so Rodger could store his stuff, and we could finally get the apartment put into order. I think we make a pretty good team when it comes to assembling modular furniture. We operate like a fine tuned Sweedish modular watch. Here are some action shots.


Here is the finished product and a professional spokes model for the table. I mean me. And I'm holding the 2009 ikea catalogue.

So this table makes me really happy, but it didn't take long for Dupree to run all over it, and got litter on the table. I was like "GODDAMN IT DUPREE! BE COOL ABOUT THIS! CAN'T I HAVE ANYTHING NICE?" I'm sure he will respect the no cats on the table rule. He is so well behaved. (not.)

Saturday Night Social

Last saturday, I had folks over for eating. Rodger and I moved into a new apartment and finally got it looking good. So I wanted to have dudes over for eating. The situation is good, b/c I felt like at my last living situation I couldn't really entertain due to the roommate dynamic. However now that I am all shacked up and its just old Rodger and me (not the movie), I can have people over as much as I want. Just like a real grown up! So I did, and I fed the people my grandma Flo's flank steak, corn on the cob, garlic roasted greenbeans. This was a big deal b/c this flank steak recepie is the BOMB and its what my mom and grandma always make me when they are hosting me in their homes. So this was a bit of a torch passing situation. And it turned out great. Check the fruits of my labor.

Finished product!

It was truly a feast indeed, except Rodger is on a fast and while we all sat around eating, he sat there and talked about how he couldn't eat and it was kind of a bummer. Its kind of like inviting your sXe to your wine tasting party and then everyone is like, "OMG this 1980s french aged merlot is blowing my mind" and your sXe friend is like, "wine is for suckers!" and the wine drinkers all go "I guess". It might diminished the festive mood but the power of Flo's steak prevailed, and it was good. Everyone got plenty to eat, and I got kind of drunk while I was cooking and then we went dancing at a Michael Jackson's Birthday dance party where Soraya was hosting. So we got to sit with her in the VIP section and got bottle service and it was totally fancy. We living!

Back in Blog.

So I haven't really blogged about anything since the beginning of summer. And it is presently September 1st, so there's that. I went on a trip to pennsylvania, and rode out to the country in a big group ride. But, my boyfriend dropped and broke my camera, which has been a major technical difficulty in the blogging process. That mostly sums up why I haven't blogged. I will have to relive this summer through my foggy memories and other people's flickr.com accounts. So is life my children. But I digress, I got an iphone! so now i have a camera, that i can easily email pictures to myself with so I'm back in the blogging business, except I don't make any money blogging, so its more like a blogging not for profit. Which is good. I really cherish my time blogging about the hi-jinks in my life, and apparently one of my mom's co-workers enjoys the blog. I'm blogging this for you mom's co-worker!

So I have some fresh pics burning a hole in my photobucket.com account, so I'm going to retroactively blog, if that is possible, and re-create my fuzzy memories from this summer for your readying pleasure.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Sunday Morning Social.

So after all of the delights that Saturday night beholden, we got up early and attended Soraya's open studio. She did a collaboration on some jewels w/ Natalia, and there were cupcakes!


Pretty as a picture!

Here are some of the items that Natalia and Soraya busted out for our open stuido pleasure!



I mostly chilled over by the grapes and water. B/C I was hung over :(

So after the open studio, we rode bikes over to Jenny ways house and scooped her up to go to Ikea. I bought a wine rack, b/c owning a wine rack is truly adult and classy. It shows that you are mature enough and have enough restraint not to drink all of the wine in your house! Just b/c its there does not mean you have to drink it. Trust! Anyway, after buying that landmark house hold item, we were about to pass out from not having eaten anything but some open studio grapes! We went to karaoke brunch in red hook, and got really tasty food and practiced our padgent faces.


We biked back to the neighborhood, and i got my track stand down. Boosh!
Don't sweat the tecnique!



My blogger is freaking out throwing a wrench in my spokes while im trying to get my blog on! I don't need it from you blogger.com not today!

Weekend Recap.

This weekend was epic in everyway! We had a new roommate move into the apt, and also had a house warming party for Rodger moving into my apt. Sparky and her friend Abby visited this weekend from Bloomington. We checked out Soraya's open studio and bought a wine rack from Ikea. Let's examine the weekend's events!

Since Rodger moved into the apartment, we decided it would be a fun time to have a house warming situation! We invited all the usual suspects over for some Sangria and snacks. As always hilarity ensued. Well at least some major snacking ensued.


This guy kept talking about how robots were going to take over the world and replace all of the humans
Naturally that made me think of that GM Commerical where the robot gets laid off the assembly line, and becomes suicidal.
The recession is affecting us all. Even the robots. Don't forget that.

Here is a picture of Hana keeping it classy her her Hooters tank top. I think that really set the tone for the evening.

There was a lot of alcohol flowing at the party and we were serving "super sized sangrias" so naturally the party degenerated into
jenny and i making "scene" , which we learned about while on google.
Ex. 1

Ex. 2

Sparky and I realized that we are only really photogenic when photographed w/ an upsidedown camera myspace style.

A good portion of the evening was also spent practicing our "baby beauty queen" faces. A la "Toddlers w/ tierras" and "Little Miss Perfect"
see the resemblance?

This party was totally classy and everyone throughly warmed the house. The best part, was how everyone one was remarking about how the sangria wasn't very strong. Yea. Two grown ass women fell asleep after
drinking that "not strong sangria!" just saying! Owned by the sangria! Trust.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Animal Planet Shoot = Rodger and Beans are FAMOUS!!!

So when my boss told me that they were looking for "edgy looking people" and their pets for the new animal planet spot, I was like, ZOMG you need to cast my cat in your commercial! Listen, you need to respect the nepotism! She has star quality! At any rate, they ended up casting beans, Rodger and I to be in it, and here are the restults. Beans was terrified and hid under the chair in the green room all afternoon, but once she stepped on set she was the only cat that didn't freak the F out and run off set and hide in the sets off to the side. Once they put her on the couch she fell asleep! I was like, ZOMG this cat is too funny. Any way, beholden the fruits of her labor (and Rodger looking like an ignorant bald head) but admittedly a cute ignorant bald head.



They kepy jingling bags of cat treats and keys to get her to look at the camera and she was like WTF?!?!

Beans is a magestic creature and didn't appreciate her beauty being exploited. She was so salty she didn't even want any treats! Unheard of!

They had me take some pics w/ her too. Looking like a couple of matching cuties! (also the stylist didn't tell me you could see my underwear lines. Thanks lady.)




Wedding Celebrations.

So Rodger and I flew into Chicago for the wedding over memorial day weekend. Everyone was really stressed and on edge so we were off to a bit of a rough start. We ran around all weekend doing errands and being like wedding planning interns except we didn't get free lunch or a metro card, but once we got the ceremony over, the relaxation began! That was enough to scare me into having my dad pay to have some one do all that annoying wedding shit for me! Who would of thought that a little wedding planning would have been so epic? Anyway here's some pics of the big day!

For the rehersal dinner my dad got these dudes from mexico who work with him at one of his factories to pack up their "electric merenge" band and drive down to indianapolis to play the reheral party. We saw these dudes throw down at their Christmas party last year and ZOMG it was epic. They rocked out so hard, playing like Mexcian country music complete an entire lighting set up. It was awesome! We ate BBQ and drank good beer and danced all night! It was so fun!




The day of the actual wedding is a blur of preparations including but not limited to, eating an epic meal at "Shownies" which is Denny's lesser known arch rival sit down family resteraunt, tying identical tule bowes for the church, moving tables, going to target, picking up my mom at the hair place, driving all over Noblesville Indiana, dropping off flowers, etc. That shiz was epic. But I think it was worth it. B/c the ceremony turned out lovely!




So the ceremony was lovely, but make no mistake! Im such a high heeled rookie that i literally couldn't focus b/c my feet felt so crazy! By the end of the ceremony i was seriously like doing a crazy dance shifting my weight back and forth on these crazy shoes. but i looked nice damn it! respect that!

After the ceremony we went to go tear it up at the reception! It was kind of crazy being at the reception because it was literally a rec center filled with every adult i have ever come across in my life. But the food was the BOMB and Joan came to DJ the reception so you know the dance jams were banging! Lets just say that by the end of the night he was playing the "Pony song" by Genuine. Yea it was like that. Plus there were many bulgarians in attendance so we busted out some ethnic dances and got all funky gypsy style.



Vinny came up for the wedding, so there was lots of "C walking" and the robot. Because he chills at home and practices dances on youtube videos as one of his main hobbies. This was his time to shine!

Rodger hit it off strangely well w/ my super proper Canadian relatives.

So everyone let their hair down, and got all funky.
(classic hieronymus)


then luis was all "IN BRAZIL WE PARTY LIKE 200% ALL THE TIME!!!!"
Because they do, and we are better off for it! The brazilians hold us to a higher partying standard.

If you like then you should've put a ring on it!

Joan was srsly playing all the hits! he was like, we need some jodycee up in here ASAP!!



And on a final note: I leave you w this.

After that weekend of excitment, I srsly needed two weeks of rest just to regoup! I can't keep up w/ those hieronymus' they party 200% all of the time.

Jack and Nina's Wedding.

So for jack and nina's wedding I had to think of a wedding present to get them. I was seriously temped to buy these buiscut heads a margarita-ville margarita maker. Jack is one of the more serious people I know, seconded by Nina, but in an unexpected detail in his personality he loves fruity "resort" style drinks. So I thought, margarita maker it is! Well my mother chimed in that my cousin Emily had made them a really thoughtful gift of a hand made cook book of her favorite recepies, and that I should make something sentimental as well. So i thought to my self, "Darts-Muray! I will not be shown up by you! I will not be left out in the cold w/ my margaritaville margarita maker!" So I found this craft online and make it for jack and nina w/ some pictures i had taken of them.


The craft directions were easy to follow and the results turned out great. I got some wood grain frames so the finished restult. Will post up some pics at somepoint.


When I last posted in my blog it was April. Since then my brother has gotten married, my roommate has moved out, my boyfriend has moved in, and I have re joined weightwatchers.com. My laptop has died, and I also started doing hot yoga. My housing search has sort of stalled out b/c getting up early and looking at dilapidated houses is depressing at 10am on a saturday morning! At any rate I am going to Bulgaria next week, so when I get back from there my search will presume. I took a bunch of pictures at the wedding, and I'm going to do a blog post on the American wedding, then a blog post about the Bulgarian wedding after it happens. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Hieronymus is Stressed the F Out!

Listen: shit is getting real over here in Hieronymus Town! Ok, I'm sorry, I don't want to take this out on you, come back, I'll chill out.

Sorry for that outburst. No need for profanity on the old blog piece, but I'm trying to keep it real out there for the streets! I am 25 now, and with that new grown up number seems to be a miriade of grown up responsibilities that are manifesting into some physical problems. I wish someone would have told me that being "grown and sexy" wasn't all eating as much candy as you want and bieng able to jump on the bed in my free time. Thanks for the heads up mom! NOT! I guess the stress about money for the down payment and my new real estate search has manifested in grinding my teeth in my sleep, as well as neck spasms! OMG its so terrible! if someone had warned me that this was how 25 was going to be rolling, I would have skipped right over to 26!

At any rate, I have had to start sleeping w/ a mouth gaurd to avoid breaking my teeth (WTF SRSYL...that is messed up).
Srsly? A mouth guard?! I'm not playing pewee league hockey over here, I'm just trying to catch some winks! Since when did I need protective wear to relax and catch some ZZZs? This is no bueno.

Another casualty due to this stress has been my neck. It had been feeling more and more jacked up over the past few days, leading to way more icey hot/hot water bottle use/and muscle relaxers than I would care to have incorporated into my active lifestyle! Then this weekend after my neck got continually more stiff, I woke up on Monday morning, and I just couldn't do it. I had to call into work b/c I srsly couldn't comfortably move my head. I spent the day w/ a hot water bottle that Rodger went and bought me and I passed out til the early afternoon. Just in time to realize that it was 4/20. The worst day to call in sick ever! Now everyone is going to think I was over at my house smoking doobie joints on my sick day! I never call in sick, and the one day I do, its the national stoner holiday/white supremacists celebration of Hilter's bday. Not a good look. Aint that always the way? (hah spell check is confused by my use of the word "aint")

Bong Boy - video powered by Metacafe

(this is what comes up when you google "bong boy")

Well with all of this new stress, I have started doing positive visualization style meditations, trying to eat better, and a little stress shopping. Case in point: check out my new adidas that I bought myself to make myself feel joy again. (JK I often feel joy, im just being dramatic).
But wearing these does legitamatly make me feel joyous, so thats a start. Plus I think Rodger and I are going to start doing some hip hop abs bootleg dvd he has laying around somewhere. So until this passes, I shall use the Secret/meditate/and wear my cute new shoes. This too shall pass!

Housing Search 09



So what will it be? Will I live in a mansion, apartment, shack or house? Well I would like to cast my vote for mansion, but I'm afraid that i will land in the oft forgotten last option CBB (card board box). That's real talk!

Well maybe not CBB but srsly this task is getting daunting! There was this one house that I liked over in Bed Stuy, that was listed at 349k, it had a bunch of garbage in the font and back yards and a broken sky light, and some broken windows but needed minimal repairs. It was a distress sale with a bunch of leans on the house, and the man selling the house did leave immediately after the Sunday showing to go buy a tall boy of beer, but I was still feeling optimistic!
(how fitting, when I'm living on the streets b/c I can't find a house I will be right there brown bagging it along side this shadster.) No matter how many shady people I met in this life, morning beer is always unsettling to me.

Probably against my better judgment I called the real estate broker who was handling the sale of that house a few weeks later to see if this house was still on the market. He told me that there was a "slight change" to the property. He tole me that unbeknownst to the drunk gentleman that showed us the home. One of his partners had taken out a secret second morgage on the house, and that they owed 50k more to the bank than they had realized. SECRET MORGAGE?! Now don't get me wrong, I believe in The Secret, it has basically been responsable for every lucky aspect of my life, I also really like secrets in gereal, keeping them, telling them, etc. However I DO NOT condone SECRET MORGAGES! Thats just crazy town! And its totally indicative to what has caused our country to be in this economic pickle! Giving shady day drunk dudes free money and pulling equity out of homes that haven't been paid off at at, and are sitting empty over in the hood. So he told me that due to this revelation, they had to raise the price 50k over night to cover this secret mortgage.

Don't get me wrong, the house was a deal at 349k, b/c I was planning on using my schrewd bargaining skills to get him down to 320k. Now 320 would have been a steal. But at 400k, that house was FAR from a steal. NEways, the real estate dude was telling me all this at like 10am on a Monday morning over the telephone. He then told me about some fictional buyers who, before they had raised the price had make an offer for 390k but lost their financing. Which I guess was supposed to make me feel like some other suckers were willing to pay that amount so I should fall in line and pay that much. But who in their right minds would place an offer on a house that is 50k more than the asking price after its been sitting littered w/ trash for over a year on the market? I hate it when not sneaky people try to be sneaky. It ends up just being kind of pathetic. So I tried to politely ease my way off of the phone w/o calling anyone out on their failed shiestyness. I mean I don't get my jollies by trying to make shiesty real estate dudes feel bad about themselves, I just wanted nothing to do with this shady deal. So I told him "I would call Him." You know like, over the phone break up style, but he didn't take the hint and he was like, "Great! can you call me as soon as Wednesday to get a deal started?!" and then I had to keep it real w/ him and say, "Yea....um ...actually probably not. " Its not you its me! But he seemed to get the hint, and he let me off the phone w/ o too much further squirming. Some one needed to show that guy that "He's just not into you!" movie! But I digress, I will probably wait until it gets turned over to the bank and buy it for like a dollar. B/c ice water flows through my veins and I am a schrewd buissness woman of the 90s!

Maybe if I buy it off the bank for a dollar, they will give it to the day drunk guy so he can buy a frosty brew.
Remind me to wear my power suit more.

Anyway, that was a minor set back, and upon looking at other homes, I have seen other houses, with way more space in them so let the search continue! And I do plan on actively using "The Secret" and a "Hobo's pocket full of hope" to find me my dream home.