Friday, June 5, 2009

Jack and Nina's Wedding.

So for jack and nina's wedding I had to think of a wedding present to get them. I was seriously temped to buy these buiscut heads a margarita-ville margarita maker. Jack is one of the more serious people I know, seconded by Nina, but in an unexpected detail in his personality he loves fruity "resort" style drinks. So I thought, margarita maker it is! Well my mother chimed in that my cousin Emily had made them a really thoughtful gift of a hand made cook book of her favorite recepies, and that I should make something sentimental as well. So i thought to my self, "Darts-Muray! I will not be shown up by you! I will not be left out in the cold w/ my margaritaville margarita maker!" So I found this craft online and make it for jack and nina w/ some pictures i had taken of them.

The craft directions were easy to follow and the results turned out great. I got some wood grain frames so the finished restult. Will post up some pics at somepoint.

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