For the rehersal dinner my dad got these dudes from mexico who work with him at one of his factories to pack up their "electric merenge" band and drive down to indianapolis to play the reheral party. We saw these dudes throw down at their Christmas party last year and ZOMG it was epic. They rocked out so hard, playing like Mexcian country music complete an entire lighting set up. It was awesome! We ate BBQ and drank good beer and danced all night! It was so fun!
The day of the actual wedding is a blur of preparations including but not limited to, eating an epic meal at "Shownies" which is Denny's lesser known arch rival sit down family resteraunt, tying identical tule bowes for the church, moving tables, going to target, picking up my mom at the hair place, driving all over Noblesville Indiana, dropping off flowers, etc. That shiz was epic. But I think it was worth it. B/c the ceremony turned out lovely!
So the ceremony was lovely, but make no mistake! Im such a high heeled rookie that i literally couldn't focus b/c my feet felt so crazy! By the end of the ceremony i was seriously like doing a crazy dance shifting my weight back and forth on these crazy shoes. but i looked nice damn it! respect that!
After the ceremony we went to go tear it up at the reception! It was kind of crazy being at the reception because it was literally a rec center filled with every adult i have ever come across in my life. But the food was the BOMB and Joan came to DJ the reception so you know the dance jams were banging! Lets just say that by the end of the night he was playing the "Pony song" by Genuine. Yea it was like that. Plus there were many bulgarians in attendance so we busted out some ethnic dances and got all funky gypsy style.
Vinny came up for the wedding, so there was lots of "C walking" and the robot. Because he chills at home and practices dances on youtube videos as one of his main hobbies. This was his time to shine!
Rodger hit it off strangely well w/ my super proper Canadian relatives.
So everyone let their hair down, and got all funky.
(classic hieronymus)
then luis was all "IN BRAZIL WE PARTY LIKE 200% ALL THE TIME!!!!"
Because they do, and we are better off for it! The brazilians hold us to a higher partying standard.
If you like then you should've put a ring on it!
Joan was srsly playing all the hits! he was like, we need some jodycee up in here ASAP!!
And on a final note: I leave you w this.
After that weekend of excitment, I srsly needed two weeks of rest just to regoup! I can't keep up w/ those hieronymus' they party 200% all of the time.
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