So when my boss told me that they were looking for "edgy looking people" and their pets for the new animal planet spot, I was like, ZOMG you need to cast my cat in your commercial! Listen, you need to respect the nepotism! She has star quality! At any rate, they ended up casting beans, Rodger and I to be in it, and here are the restults. Beans was terrified and hid under the chair in the green room all afternoon, but once she stepped on set she was the only cat that didn't freak the F out and run off set and hide in the sets off to the side. Once they put her on the couch she fell asleep! I was like, ZOMG this cat is too funny. Any way, beholden the fruits of her labor (and Rodger looking like an ignorant bald head) but admittedly a cute ignorant bald head.

They kepy jingling bags of cat treats and keys to get her to look at the camera and she was like WTF?!?!

Beans is a magestic creature and didn't appreciate her beauty being exploited. She was so salty she didn't even want any treats! Unheard of!
They had me take some pics w/ her too. Looking like a couple of matching cuties! (also the stylist didn't tell me you could see my underwear lines. Thanks lady.)

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