Tuesday, September 1, 2009

IKEA mission

on sunday, Roger and i went to ikea to get the final touches for the apartment. We got this awesome table and assembled it. We also got a new book shelf so Rodger could store his stuff, and we could finally get the apartment put into order. I think we make a pretty good team when it comes to assembling modular furniture. We operate like a fine tuned Sweedish modular watch. Here are some action shots.


Here is the finished product and a professional spokes model for the table. I mean me. And I'm holding the 2009 ikea catalogue.

So this table makes me really happy, but it didn't take long for Dupree to run all over it, and got litter on the table. I was like "GODDAMN IT DUPREE! BE COOL ABOUT THIS! CAN'T I HAVE ANYTHING NICE?" I'm sure he will respect the no cats on the table rule. He is so well behaved. (not.)

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