it looked exactly like that. jk it looked more like this:
NEway, I was like, thanks! then I hopped on my train up to poughkeepsie. I wasn't sure what i was in store for, as i haven't ever been "upstate in NY. I had passed through regular new york state as a kid going up to Canada, but hadn't really considered Buffalo upstate, as "upstate" sort of provokes imagry of provencial country views.
For example: google image "Upstate New York" :
google image Buffalo New York:
glorious. At any rate, i was pleasantly surprised to find the Hudson Valley to be full of scenic magestic views. My mom took me and got some pizza pie, which is always going to skew a visit positively :) Then we walked down to "check out what poughkeepsie has to offer". we immediately saw these two ghetto dudes really day drunk drinking out of brown bagged liquor bottles trying to entice two hilly billy dudes into a street fight (much to the horror of the hill billy dudes). then the girl that worked at the coffee shop all disappointed in life and was like, " Its really not nice over here, don't judge our town on this". No judgment here! i did remark to my mom, that I live in the heart of Bedford Stuyvesant brooklyn, and we had just witnessed more street violence than I had ever seen in my hood. After checking out the sleepy town charm I had to pack it up and return back to the hood. Its always strange to leave NYC and to return to it. Especially in the same day. You realize that people simultaneously exist along side you in totally different lifestyles. And that is real. Real culture shock that is! Anyway, good to get out of the NYC bubble from time to time if only for an after noon to check out some street fighting.
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