Monday, March 16, 2009

Budgetary Cutbacks

So when I decided I needed to get serious about my Real Estate plan I had to put myself on a budget. This is gernally now how I like to roll, as I have been known to throw down some cream on whatever retardedly expensive bike parts/cheap Forever 21 clothes/going out to eat all the time/general scoundralry. But real talk, my mom and dad taught me to be frugal but once I got some money, I started spending like a roughneck on payday. That needed to get checked at the door! There is a recession on after all, and if i continued to live high on the hog i clearly never would be able to make my dream of buying a place a reality.
Now my father is John Hieronymus and that means that I am genetically inclined to be ridiculously cheap. Once I took my self out of the dot com spending mentality and into recession 2.0 mentality I noticed that I started to get really into this budget thing.
Can I interest anyone in a cup of water soup?
At anyrate, the days of my shopping for fun have come to a close, but hopefully my efforts will be repayed w/ non stop BBQing in my own yard and the challenge of renovating a old brown stone in brooklyn (something I had always dreamed of but couldn't afford until the market ate shit) . Can't beat that w/ a stick! Plus in a worst case apocoliptic end of th economy as we now it situation, I can hold up barefoot in my gutted brown stone feasting on parnsip pie depression style. But I digress. Here's are come really cute youtube videos of this old lady showing you how to make depression recipes fom when she was a little girl.

I love the way she says "pahtatahs". adorbz.

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