But after the holiday, Jack and Nina brought me back up to their place in chicago to visit before i went back to NYC. We got back to chicago just in time for jacks' birthday! I had just got my new camera, so I documented the experience for us all to relive together!
My First picture i took on my new camera was of this little guy. He is just so cute! plus he was kicking in incognito bc he's black and he's next to the black sag bag (thats racist! jk).
So one of the high points of the trip was hanging out w jacks's little 3 legged cat Clint. He is pretty clumsy
so he fell off the balcony this summer and he lost a digit! We were pretty worried about the little guy. so I was relieve to find that he was in high spirits! Rolling around w his tripod waving in all its glory.
Plus its pretty cute to see a 3 legged kitty try to make it in the world. Inspiring even. Brought a tear to the old eye piece!
Well the kitty was in high spirits, and he made me think of "whiddle broddah" on homestarrunner. Little Guy is making it on his own! Well it was super cute bc he likes to have his belly rubbed.
Well he can do it on his own! haha cutie.
But enough about the cats!
In addition to it being cute kitty day, it was also jack's bday. So i took homeboy out for a breakfast steak!
This is officially a "taking care of biz pic". HAHA just making serious business moves on my phone while i eat my power breakfast. Not too shabby of a way to start off 27 if i may say so my self.
After that we just walked around and did errands, and goddamn its cold in chicago!
Living in Brooklyn, my family always plants these fantasies that I can like afford a mansion in Chicago, and eat deep dish pizza all day, thusly truly live the dream. As opposed to my savage NYC life where i have to share a one bedroom apartment in bed suty with 2 tabby cats and a rodger. So i have these day dreams where we are rolling around, eating chicago style food and living the dream (funny how most of my fantasies are food related and pretty vague) but then i go to chicago on occasion and im like GOOD GOD DAMN its the coldest ever there. and i consider myself to be a pretty hardy individual. Now i see why one slice of chicago style pizza is like a 1/2 pounder. you gotta put alot
of fat on to survive in those elements! Jeeze. Plus it snows there like everyday. Not sure if you have heard this, but it is also very windy there. yea believe that. But we were all bundled up so it wasn't too bad.
And as far as I'm concerned, as long as they keep that pizza coming i can manage for brief visits. I guess it doesn't really explain why i also want to eat that pizza in the summer. can't really blame the elements for that :)
So after a hearty breakfast we went and took jack to a hearty dinner at a Belgian restaurant for his Bday dinner. Special guest appearances by Effin' Dave and his lady Rachel.
Look at these cute couples! Twas a delight to be their 5th wheel!
There was much feasting and butter and merriment, and all in all was a success. So Jack and Nina, thanks for letting me stay at your house and play with your cats!
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