So for the winter holidays i always go to the midwest for chrismahanukwanzakah but i always make it my beeswax to get back to NYC for new years bc you know thats the best holiday! My favorite holiday was xmas when i was little. but now that im older, my brother works in the ER and has to work xmas now. So we like eat xmas dinner on boxing day, and for xmas i get gift cards. thusly xmas has been knocked out of the top ranking favorite holiday! now NYE is where its at bc it involves wearing a hot dress and getting drunk and dancing. Now that's something i think we can all get behind. This is what went down!
No one had any like big ragers planned (weak sauce people), so we just ended up going to 470 flushing for midnight. They had warm cookies and we had hennesey and tall boys for coors light!
Thusly, shit was about to pop off.
It was pretty rainy out and just shittsburg in general but we braved the elements and went up to the roof for the stroke of midnight. luckily there were lots of firecrackers and alchohol and i think we sufficiently frieghtened the neighboring hachidic community.
Jake had this big beer and was like, "this beer is huge! don't worry about it!"
Rodger was all popping bottles with models!
For some reason everyone was wearing black white and red.
Bonus points for red boots!
Oh you didn't get the email on the "black white and read all over theme? akward!"
we were going to go to rubelad and dance after bc we needed to rage! but when we got there, the fire trucks were there and there was a mass exodis. They told us it was "on fire" but more or less it just got shut down. so luckily we didn't get kicked out after we paid the 20$ cover. Unthwarted we walked over to sweet revenge passing around a bottle of champagne and wishing the local Hasidim community happy new years. some of the dudes were into it! Unity!
We got to sweet revenge Soraya busted out some of her Go Go moves. I was like, dang! I need to step up my dancing game! Srsly, she is so good at dancing! Feast your eyes!
Rodger set up this connect 4 game that never actually got fully assembled or played at all.
We danced all night and got drunk and made and lost some memories. It was awesome! We pretended it was webster hall and got up on the steps and danced like it was senior year!
One of the high points was when jodie and i had a "cute picture contest" in the corner. This is the end result.
It's a tie!
As you may recall, one of the major themes of 2010 was "sparkle vampires". This was to commemorate the sparkle vampires for posterity. Do it for twilight!
All in all it was a super fun night, and when we were leaving for closing time, the bouncer told us that we are hilarious and always welcome back. Thats like the opposite of getting kicked out! Hell yea! 2010 is going to be a good one yall!
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