Rodger did most of the preperations/planning while I took a more hands off strategy. I made an old timey invite where I photoshopped a monical and a top hat atop my head. Wait. Photo shop isn't really old timey at all. New Timey? Never mind. I had to make an extra classy invite to match the extra classy party that was going to go down! So I basically photoshopped myself to look like an Anna version of Mr. Peanut. Which I think is the best version of Anna, if I had to choose.
Well Rodger was running around all day Friday trying to get the party ready so by the time the party actually went down he was all dazed and discombobulated. I spoke to him at a few different points during the day, and recognized the tell tale panic in his voice. Luckily he pulled out an awesome party with out getting too many gray hairs. Big ups to Rodger! Bup Bup Bup!
Its all a blur!
Poor Rodger! Luckily there was LOTS of sugar at the party to keep him fueled through the night!
But all the sugar in the world couldn['t turn this soup puss' frown upside down.
jk. we just caugh him in the mist of a personal moment!
The Food was great! We had tacos, vegan chorizo, ground turkey, chips and guac/salsa, lots of taco fixins, Maragitas (Hanna and Soraya held it down on the drink making situation).
Plus we had lots of really good sangria b/c Rodger googled "best sangria recipe". Then all night everyone was like, "Dang, that is the best Sangria". Google wins again!
HMM....where could all of that food gone.....
Suspicious! Truch! (That can be Trudy and Zach's Brangelina couple name :)
So everyone feasted, and spirits were high.
And there was lots of adult classy conversating!
Mature socializing!
Not sure how sticking a party favor up your nose necessarily fits into the theme of having a classy grown up party but sure.
Then it was time for the party games! I picked out this ambiguously ethnic Pinata filled w/ delights for everyone to enjoy.
We used one of Danny's crutches and I got a broom stick to do some damage!
Damage to joan's balls! jk! but srsly, I accidentlly almost hit Joan in the balls! Joan really put a lot on the line by offering to be the pinata holder! ALOT! lol. Here is some videos of the pinata bash!
Then we cleaned up the BOOTY!
I thought that peeps would dive face first into the candy piles like second grade stlye, but I had to get the crowd hyped by doing a little of the gathering action for everyone.
haha Hanna looks displeased by my hoarding technique. Don't judge me girl! This sangria is making me tipsy! lol.
After the Pinata and all of the mature partying, no self respecting party would be complete w/o a fudgy the whale cake complete w/ trick candels that don't blow out! Now thats class! No seriously, I love me some ice cream cake. I was in heaven!
Fudgy! You are my only friend! JK, but we go way back, to two years ago when I first tastes the delights of my dear friend Fudgy. Next year Cookie Puss!
I managed to huff and puff all those crazy candles out. And then some trickster switched the 2 and 5 candle to say 52! Those jokesters!
So after all of the fun and gmaes, we had to pack it in w/ a cray cray sugar coma! Thanks to all the doodz for coming out! Stay tuned for an upcoming blog post on my upcoming trip to chicago! cha cha check it!
I was the first person there, I had fun and dressed nicely. Saturday I learned how to remove salsa stains from a sweater.
Most notable about your party: no one ate the limes.
Happy belated, geronimo!
- Meschi
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