Here's Dupree begging me not to go b/c then he can't fuck w/ my weekend bag.
Here's me on the plane w/ my BFF a mid-western business man (jk). I travel w/ a professional photographer, its called the "self timer" propped up on a hard back book. Class all the way!
So here's the thing. I feel like I haven't been away from ohio that long. And when I left my god son Solomon was def still a baby. I don't know what the heck happened but he grew into this?!
A real life little kid who is totally big! WTF?! That shit sneaks up on you. The strange thing is that he could grow up so much, and I literally look the same. um. yea...lets not get into it. Moving on!
This is an insect puzzle I got him for his bday, put it to good use!
Here is a little bean bag brother/monster Jessie made for solomon. Its part of a set of two bean bag brothers.
Here's some cheeses I used my skills to arrange beautifully in a beath taking display of crackers and cheeses. Drink it iN!
Here's tammy assisting on the prep!
Here's some legit home made perogies sitting in a pool of melted butter. Thats right. Mashed potatoes wrapped in noodles, sitting in a pool of butter. My stomaches still feels crazy! (regular readers of this blog will see this is a major theme of my life).
Once the Festivities were under way spirits were high! Everyone was in a really good mood and soaking up the ambiance.
At some point Joey picked up a guitar and started freestyling songs. He serenaded his mom with a song thanking her for letting his live w/ her even though he's 23 and how she makes him grilled cheese sandwiches when she totally dosen't have to. Classic.
Here's the grilled cheese maker herself pre-serenade!
This is what no nap + too much fun + candy for dinner will get you....a very tired and grouchy kid with a ripped super hero jump suit! You have been warned!
I feel like I look like a real grown up girl in this picture. That should be noted.
After the party we went into cleveland and caught Matt and Lee's band play at a total BUTT ROCK show at a bar called "now thats class" in Lakewood. I got made into the official photographer as I am a girl, and I wasn't willing to carry heavy equipment. Dems da breaks!
Holdind down my post by the bar.
Gotta watch rock shows in Cleveland! I heard a little rumor that it "rocks" there!
The next day I got feve breakfast w/ Zoma and Schimmy. Im srsly kicking myself i didn't get picks w/ them?! I even brought my camera! I forgot. I def wanted to get some pics of amanda as we share sister blogs and she is the country to my city mouse. Next time! Oh well- after a leisurely breakfast I rolled back to NYC. Here's the happy family in their sufficiently warmed home.
HAHA i just actually looked at this picture! They look so skeptical! Well let me put the critics to rest! That was the best house warming ever!
The end.
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