So some of my old friends from pre-NYC timez may recall my Terry Symetry that I cruised around Bloomington Indiana on and turned some heads. I bought my fledgling young bike w/ me to NYC and rode it around for about six months before I got hit by a car! (see myspace blog for the details on that debacle). That was two years ago and that car accident JACKED UP my terry. But the frame remained structurally intact (dispite the disrepect is suffered at the hands of a AM New Jersey commuter). So I kept the frame and vowed that when I had a little bit of money to spare the Terry would be restored to her former glory and returned to the streets where she belongs! So a few months ago with some spare money and time I got the Terry the face lift/botox/tummy tuck she needed and dang she's a beaut!
I got the frame a hot new paint job at Chelsea bikes and built into a single speed. Yes thats glitter in the paint.
Very expensive toe clip straps. dang people will spend retarded amounts of money on stupid little accessories for their bikes if they come from japan. I am living proof of that.
The last thing i am waiting on is this Selle Italia LDY Gel flow White saddle and my steed will be complete.
The guy built me some wheels w/ surly hubs and velocity rims. You might not be able to see in the pic, but the bike has a 24" front and a 700c back wheel so it looks CRAZY.
I already splurged on the basket that perfectly fits a six pack of beer. Let the good times roll!
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