Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pre-Launch Upper Lip BCC Champagne Jam

Jake and Chris Reed started up a hipster style blog called the Upper Lip (, so they decided to have folks out for a pre site launch jam! Im not usually one to deny a party time siutation, so we decided to check it out!

A view from the Top!

Jenny and I make up quite the trouble making twosome. She busted out a really cute blazer (not shown :( )

Then Rodger and I took some cute pictures in the photobooth.


Twas truly a classy affair. Beers at the BCC, technically Do translate to "Drinks at the Country Club". Respect that!

Hope to have some exciting events to report on soon. My birthday is next week, and I plan on having a party.But for now the excitment pool over here on Kosciusko st, is running a little low. I have been watching alot of TLC latley, wich is an activity that unfortunatley does not for an exciting blog post make!

still hungry.

So I made a dinner of soy chicken nuggets and frozen french fries. I wasn't feeling full at all, so i drank a liter of smart water. Im still starving! WTF?! I present to you: a list of things I want to eat right now:

1. Doughnuts. I have noticed that for the most part, folks out on the east coast don't understand how important doughnuts are as a snack/dessert item. There is like one Doughnut spot in the city, but other that that its basically just some stale old soggy dougnuts at Dunkin Doughnuts. In the mid-west doughnuts are so important that there are entire restaurants devoted to the Dirty D (some slang i just made up for doughnuts) and peeps hang out there at all hours! Dunkin Doughnuts is over there trying to mess with some egg white triangle breakfast sandwiches!

2. White Castle hamburgers. I realize that White Castle hamburgers are really gross and crazy and square. But sometimes you gotta throw down on that action. OMG this bloggins list is building up to an epic snacking session. I can feel it.

3. A coors light tall boy. Coors light is the nectar of the gods. Im not sure if its technically considered a snack item, but something deep down in my heart says, Coors Light tall boys would def qualify as a snack. Coors light is the perfect beverage to chase down w/ an epi of Top Model (wich is what I am watching right now). Im having phantom tall boy holding sensations in my hand as we speak!

4. Sourpatch Kids/some style of Gummie. Easter is around the corner. My mother gave us so many Gummy style products in our easter baskets, that im trained like one of Pavlov's dogs to want to nom on gummies as soon as the weather starts to turn springly! Today I was riding my bike in the city and I was smelling phantom gummy aromas!

Alas, despite my tastey list of delights, I'm trying to be good. So I'm chilling and watching these freaky cute little girls on "Little Miss Perfect" on the We channel, trying to push through the desire to let the inner fatty out to go get mozzarella sticks. Yo Hieronymus! Your turn 25 next week. You are officially a grown ass woman! Officially too old to be sitting here wanting to clear out the bodega of all of their gummies and coors lights! Get it together woman!


A combination of my three favorite things: fat cats, NOM NOM NOM lolz, and birthday cake.

Blog Block!

im feeling the stinging tinge of the old bloggers block! good thing i have some hot pics on the old photobucket burning a whole in my....account? NEway, I'm going to try to push through this bloggers block and bust out some blogs!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Needed these.

So once I put my self on the no more shopping budgetary kick, I saw these.
Aint that always the way? I see these Bad Brains Vans old school high tops and i was like, "What budget?" lolz. so I bought them. I gotta live my life! What is the point of living in a baller ass house if my feet can't experience the joy of being encased in Bad Brains themed shoes? Thats no way to live your life!


Saturday Queens Riding Adventures.

So on Saturday, Rodger and I spend the morning riding around Bed Stuy checking out different blocks, debating where most of the crack is hustled, and the ups and downs of living on different blocks in the hood. After he went to work, it was so nice out I wasn't ready to hang up the bike quite yet. I went back home to scare up some biking partners. I called three people to see if anyone wanted to bike around w/ me, w/ the assumption that if all three were busy I would resign my saturday to watching Bridget Jones Diary again on the Oxygen channel. (not a good saturday look). Luckily Hanna and Joan were up for some ridin, so I hopped back on my ride and cruised up to LIC. We met up and upon realizing that hanna and i ride the same sized frame, promptly switched bikes. We rode up to Astoria Park and around her neighborhood for a while, soaking up all of the delights that queens has to offer before looping back to the LIC bar for a beer afterwards. They let us bring in outside snacks, so i took it upon myself to introduce hanna and joan to the joy that is "Popcorn Indiana" brand popcorn.

They helped me kill the snacks and we enjoyed some refreshements.

Hanna tried to say that my Nike hat would look weird on her. I personally believe that my Nike hat has the ability to flatter ALL girls, so we had her model it to disprove her theories.
At anyrate, Hanna's camera is SO nice, it makes everyone's mega pixles dazzle. Here is joan and hanna soaking in some saturday fun and being all young and carefree and in love and shit.
Photobucket romance!
The day was awesome. I kind of got lost in greenepoint on the way home, and used my preternatural sense of direction to return me to bed stuy where i attended Meena Kim's grilled cheese party. All in all a nice little saturday.

Budgetary Cutbacks

So when I decided I needed to get serious about my Real Estate plan I had to put myself on a budget. This is gernally now how I like to roll, as I have been known to throw down some cream on whatever retardedly expensive bike parts/cheap Forever 21 clothes/going out to eat all the time/general scoundralry. But real talk, my mom and dad taught me to be frugal but once I got some money, I started spending like a roughneck on payday. That needed to get checked at the door! There is a recession on after all, and if i continued to live high on the hog i clearly never would be able to make my dream of buying a place a reality.
Now my father is John Hieronymus and that means that I am genetically inclined to be ridiculously cheap. Once I took my self out of the dot com spending mentality and into recession 2.0 mentality I noticed that I started to get really into this budget thing.
Can I interest anyone in a cup of water soup?
At anyrate, the days of my shopping for fun have come to a close, but hopefully my efforts will be repayed w/ non stop BBQing in my own yard and the challenge of renovating a old brown stone in brooklyn (something I had always dreamed of but couldn't afford until the market ate shit) . Can't beat that w/ a stick! Plus in a worst case apocoliptic end of th economy as we now it situation, I can hold up barefoot in my gutted brown stone feasting on parnsip pie depression style. But I digress. Here's are come really cute youtube videos of this old lady showing you how to make depression recipes fom when she was a little girl.

I love the way she says "pahtatahs". adorbz.

Upstate Adventure.

So last weekend, my Mom was in the tri-state area on a ski trip w/ my family. As my father secretly sold all of my ski equipment in a down-low garage sale (however refuses to admit this fact) i was left w/ no means of snowboarding. Since my mom was only an hour or two up state, I decided to take the Metro north train up to poughkeepsie NY to spend the afternoon w/ her. Rodger is a good boyfriend, and volunteered to escort me up to grand central station. It was my first time being in the terminal part where all of the trains leave, that is featured in many feature films.
it looked exactly like that. jk it looked more like this:
NEway, I was like, thanks! then I hopped on my train up to poughkeepsie. I wasn't sure what i was in store for, as i haven't ever been "upstate in NY. I had passed through regular new york state as a kid going up to Canada, but hadn't really considered Buffalo upstate, as "upstate" sort of provokes imagry of provencial country views.

For example: google image "Upstate New York" :

google image Buffalo New York:
glorious. At any rate, i was pleasantly surprised to find the Hudson Valley to be full of scenic magestic views. My mom took me and got some pizza pie, which is always going to skew a visit positively :) Then we walked down to "check out what poughkeepsie has to offer". we immediately saw these two ghetto dudes really day drunk drinking out of brown bagged liquor bottles trying to entice two hilly billy dudes into a street fight (much to the horror of the hill billy dudes). then the girl that worked at the coffee shop all disappointed in life and was like, " Its really not nice over here, don't judge our town on this". No judgment here! i did remark to my mom, that I live in the heart of Bedford Stuyvesant brooklyn, and we had just witnessed more street violence than I had ever seen in my hood. After checking out the sleepy town charm I had to pack it up and return back to the hood. Its always strange to leave NYC and to return to it. Especially in the same day. You realize that people simultaneously exist along side you in totally different lifestyles. And that is real. Real culture shock that is! Anyway, good to get out of the NYC bubble from time to time if only for an after noon to check out some street fighting.

blogging fail.

so i was trying to be a better blogger, and then i got a new boyfriend. all of my free blogging time was promptly redirected to drinking coffee at tiny cup and spooning. so much for that. then last night i was hanging out w/ my friend casey and she was telling me about her blog. i chimed in w/ " i have a blog!" and she said, "i know, a blog you haven't updated since december 9, 2008". that is real talk! so just to shake some cobwebbs off this old bloggy blog i had to bust out a post. the blog might take a decidedly grown ass turn however. i am currently in the process of looking for a brown stone in bed stuy to buy and rennovate. if everything works out, lets just say i might be talking about a lot less coors light and a lot more spackle. yea, i said it. spackle. however if things don't work this blog might take a turn into cardboard box living home decor. it could go either way.

see more Lolcats and funny pictures

but i do have a lot of back blogging to do, as well as some fun rennovation/summer fun posts in the works! stay tunned!