Sorry for that outburst. No need for profanity on the old blog piece, but I'm trying to keep it real out there for the streets! I am 25 now, and with that new grown up number seems to be a miriade of grown up responsibilities that are manifesting into some physical problems. I wish someone would have told me that being "grown and sexy" wasn't all eating as much candy as you want and bieng able to jump on the bed in my free time. Thanks for the heads up mom! NOT! I guess the stress about money for the down payment and my new real estate search has manifested in grinding my teeth in my sleep, as well as neck spasms! OMG its so terrible! if someone had warned me that this was how 25 was going to be rolling, I would have skipped right over to 26!
At any rate, I have had to start sleeping w/ a mouth gaurd to avoid breaking my teeth (WTF SRSYL...that is messed up).
Srsly? A mouth guard?! I'm not playing pewee league hockey over here, I'm just trying to catch some winks! Since when did I need protective wear to relax and catch some ZZZs? This is no bueno.
Another casualty due to this stress has been my neck. It had been feeling more and more jacked up over the past few days, leading to way more icey hot/hot water bottle use/and muscle relaxers than I would care to have incorporated into my active lifestyle! Then this weekend after my neck got continually more stiff, I woke up on Monday morning, and I just couldn't do it. I had to call into work b/c I srsly couldn't comfortably move my head. I spent the day w/ a hot water bottle that Rodger went and bought me and I passed out til the early afternoon. Just in time to realize that it was 4/20. The worst day to call in sick ever! Now everyone is going to think I was over at my house smoking doobie joints on my sick day! I never call in sick, and the one day I do, its the national stoner holiday/white supremacists celebration of Hilter's bday. Not a good look. Aint that always the way? (hah spell check is confused by my use of the word "aint")
Bong Boy - video powered by Metacafe
(this is what comes up when you google "bong boy")
Well with all of this new stress, I have started doing positive visualization style meditations, trying to eat better, and a little stress shopping. Case in point: check out my new adidas that I bought myself to make myself feel joy again. (JK I often feel joy, im just being dramatic).
But wearing these does legitamatly make me feel joyous, so thats a start. Plus I think Rodger and I are going to start doing some hip hop abs bootleg dvd he has laying around somewhere. So until this passes, I shall use the Secret/meditate/and wear my cute new shoes. This too shall pass!