Tuesday, August 26, 2008


So when i signed the lease to my new apartment, I was under the impression that we had access to the roof. However there is a grouchy old lady that has bought the roof? You can do that? And she won't let me put my plants on her roof (where she keeps her plants) DUh. So i had to move my plants down from the saftey of the roof down to the front of my house. Fast forward to one month later! All but two of my plants are fucking stolen! Im so salty right now about this that i can't even take it. I know i live in the ghetto, but seriously? I have to chain down my almost dead tomato plant and my def dead zucchini? Like someone please tell me what good that is going to do you other than to totally bum me out and make me loose faith in humanity. So much for my experiment in Urban Gardening, i guess if i want to have a nice garden im going to have to move again or get a plot at a community garden. Welcome to the jungle!

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