We started out in Chicago. Jack was supposed to pick me up from the air port, however i was left to my own devices and taxied into his hood. Then we went to get some deep dish pizza, and i rocked one of my more exciting flamboyant outfits. Here is jack and me looking pretty cute in true hieronymus fashion!
The pizza was the bomb! And it really kicked off the eating spree in true fashioN! It was the first of many heavy meals to come. Writing this blog is going to give me a phantom tummy ache i can already tell.
Bright and early the next AM we hit the road down to Indianapolis to pick up my mom's pick up truck and Sparky. We hit up a flying J to grab up some treats and some firecrackers. AMERICA!
I was giving this some thought and the real reason that the Midwest is superior to the east coast is our abundance of fried sweet breads. i didn't really think about it until i saw doughnuts for sale everywhere. i miss that shit!
Grabbed up some good clean fun and we were on our way down to the farm!
FACT: my cousin Sarah's genes mix perfectly w/ her husband to only produce Gerber babies. This is a strange and highly cute phenomenon and was the case w/ her first baby as well! They need to have a baby modeling agency comprised solely of their super cute chubby babies. I can help them count their money that they make off this enterprise.
Anyway, we spent most of the day down at the farm chillaxing and playing cards and eating. We hit up the Purple Cow diner in town, for some stick to the ribbage fortitude. I was trying to put ketchup on my hash brown, and it got all over my eggs! I was like WTF?! im not Canadian! This is not how i roll! Breakfast officially considered a fail.
The overall trip to the farm was a success, and as far as i can tell so far i haven't discovered any ticks that have hitched a ride /w me home. Lets keep it that way! After the farm we hit up some last minute breakfast w/ the old man and the grandparents...Here's me and my dad w/ him looking like a trouble maker.
On the ride home, i noticed these at one of the many gas stations we hit up.
didn't buy them though, tried to exercise some adult like restraint.
Had to stop back in bloomington to return my precious cargo AKA Sparky! Got some food at the upland brewery before hitting the road some more!
So i returned Sparky to her residence and hoped back on the road the rest of the way to chicago. The next day Jack attemped to school me in gardening tactics! And i hate to admit it but i got totally faced! His shit was THRIVING! I considered sabatoshing his garden in the name of good heathly competition, however i reconsidered and just helped weed instead.
Got my hands dirty and beautified the garden!
Any way as I write this I am eating a raw salad in a vain attempt to undo some of the damage that was done during my four day fat fest.
Post Script.
While in Chicago i got beans a golden collar w/ pink diamonds and a bell on it. Here she is adjusting to the new bling, i don't think she is super stoked that i have revoked her stalking and sneaking privalages, but its so cute to watch her try to attack her own collar! Here she is looking salty.
Anyway I'm all rejuvenated and ready to find a new apartment! Back in the swing of things...and taking care of business!!
1 comment:
I forgot how cute your dad is... oh wait, did I say that out loud?!
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