Went to the beach on sunday w/ la pequena. we took the LIRR out to Long beach and got thoroughly sizzled. we had to sneak in a couple of coors lights to take the edge off the heat! saw some rad long island people looking VERY tan and VERY gelled (Gotti style!!) all was uneventful i read the paper magazine article about pharrell willaims and his penchant for "man bags". i also got incredibly sunburned and have been feeling the consequences all week since.
Here is the before shot so blissfully unaware at how burned my skin was getting.
we had to drink our beers on the down low so the broke down "bay watch" dudes wouldn't bust us up! here was my attempt at keeping my drink on the down low.
there were some dudes who snuck in some pbrs on a blanket by us. they kept making knowing looks at us b/c i think we were the only people ghetto enough to sneak in cheap beers at noon on a sunday. bad beer kindred spirits.
i also got sand in my digi and its broken now. it literally never occurred to me not to stick my camera in the sand. huh.
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