So jack attack just called me up to let me know that today is my "name day". Now that Nina is marrying into the Hieronymus fam, we are getting in touch w/ the old hieronimonain roots! In Bulgaria, and probs some other greek/bulgarian orthodox hoods you get to celebrate your name day, which is the saint that you are named after's day? or their birthday or something? the details are spotty, but nina has informed me that its like your birthday, but you get to just sit around and drink and eat whatever you want. boosh!
Well anyway this solves the the debate whether or not i should allow myself to order thai food for lunch. problem solved! spring rolls here i come!
yea thats right? you didn't know i was all saintly and shit? don't worry about it!
This blog post should have gotten done right after Halloween. As it stands it is almost x mas. Fail. However I would be remiss to not put my Halloween pictures up from Jodie's party, as i spent a LONG time getting this stupid costume together for like two nights of use. The glory will live on in my blog god damn it!
Here's my costume as a German beer girl/shirley temple in "blue bird"
hmmm. in retrospect it seems a little obscure of a reference for a Halloween party. but i needed to put fake blue birds in my hair and this was the most logical option! plus it was my favorite movie to get from the library as a kid. don't worry about it!
Here is Jodie cute as a button in her home made octopus costume. Those cheeks are just asking for a pinch!
At some point i put my sparks wrapper on my beer stein. yea it was like that.
Susan dressed up at a Siamese cat and ryan i guess was a civil war vet? support the troops!
here is the glorious table of junk food that was up for grabs. the combo of chips candy coors light and sparks is delightful. just so you know.
here is jenny dressed as nancy drew investigating how jodie got to be so cute!
then the night took a turn for the worse....jodie's octopus costume came to life and started attacking all the party guests! it was only a matter of time! Ak! Micheal Phelps! look out! lol. jk! i think the sparks just kicked in around this time!
then i came in all late and the cats were all. "yo girl! turn off the lights! some of us have a long day of napping tomorrow! respect that!"
Here are the videos of me on that silly animal planet show ACTING A FOOL. LOl, any way in true class clown fashion i offer up my embarrassing videos for your delight. don't say i never did anything for you!
So I realize this is a really old post but im starting to feel like a really bad blogger. hmm maybe if some sponsors wanted to give me some incentives aka gift certificates or other useful goods and services i could work some serious product placement into this little baby? i would be a little bit more motivated w/ the blogz! just saying. Anyway, the Cranksgiving race went down a week or two before thanksgiving, and Adrianne persuaded me to join her team. I had in true fashion woken up at 9 am and was looking to kill some time. I was in.
we stopped at that place next to egg in williamsburg for some pre-race fortitude. we needed all the energy we could store up for the adventures we were about to participate in.
i remarked to Adrianne that the restaurant was like a pretend French cafe in old pariee. our server over heard us and proceeded to speak in French way longer than we understood/thought was funny. but he was probably showing off. i mean thats his right. how often does a williamburg waiter get to bust out his conversational French stills? far be it from me to hate on his go girl!
after we were fortified w/ carbs and a little bit jittery from a few cups of coffee, we decided to hit the road. we schleped over the bridge and GODDAMN it was cold. my hands and feet went numb on the way over. we had to stop at dave's work ware just to get better gear! we got some "deep freeze" socks and i got some murderer style leather gloves. once we changed our socks and got some feeling back into the old feet pieces, we were ready to boogs.
arg sooo cold! we waited outside for a while...maybe like an hour or so waiting for the race to start. Adrianne busted out her iphone for maximum route planning and i stood back, and jumped around trying to stay warm. i wouldn't' want to cramp her planning style!
then it started!
our new socks and gloves served us well! it was pretty frosty out but once we were off it wasn't too bad. it was fun to ride around the city and pretend to be a messenger for an after noon. we basically rode around the city collecting canned goods to donate for a food drive for the hungry. it was super inspirational, and once it was over we did a group ride over to a church and handed the food over to this really nice family/priests/church people. i was basically radiating warm fuzzies for the rest of the weekend!
Once we got back to the bar trudy greeted us and everyone chilled for an after party!
(well deserved brew!)
jenny and jake met us too!
All in all the race/afternoon was a success. We got to gather some food for the hungry and got some good physical fitness/fresh air in the mean time! After Adriane and i got in from the race we decided that we owned it.