please note that I have taken two Excedrin migraine pills this morning so I am going to try to keep this blog post some what restrained as when i take excidrin I'm usually rattling out of my chair in a hot hyper mess from all of the caffeine. That said, lets take a tour of the evenings events!
(this screw face kind of shows how i feel right now. aka. a little bit crazy)
Here is our friend Cynthia. She was the "Ring master" of the evenings events which is how we got our special VIP status! P.S. Whenever we informed any bouncers of this fact they all gave us the "whats this VIP doing rocking an outfit totally purchased at forever 21" look. Classic! i was like, yea some VIPs are "recessionistas" don't worry about it... I'm on a budget!
(extra points for the use of "recessionista" in this blog post.)
Anyway, the theme of the party was "rock and roll circus" so here some really buff dudes doing crazy tricks on ropes. but I must say the wow factor is sort of lost when really buff dudes are working the ropes. It just seems more impressive to me when like a 100lb.lady is doing it. Just sayin.
But I digress, the party planners were really big on the confetti, they shot it out like three different times. we were like, k we get it, we are supposed to feel festive. Geesh!
We get it!
then TI came on a like a secret guest or something, and everyone got really excited! i only know of TI b/c i like to watch that show sweet 16 and i feel like he plays all those birthday parties. haha. anyway, so yea im really out of touch. here he is in al lhis glory!
Jessie and i were dressed to the nines in true oberlinian fashion. OB!
The a really pregnant MIA came out ans was like "howmanyhowmanyhowmanyhowmany" a bunch of times and every one got all excited.
Paper planes!
p.s. she def got the memo that people are into that whole paper planes "gun shot" sound effects, they just kept randomly playing it like while they were hyping the crowd. i guess if it aint broke don't fix it!
her "hype girl" was super cute
after we stuck around long enough for MIA to play it was pretty late! it was totally fun, but i had been standing on these high heels for a few hours at this point and i was OVER IT! plus by this time all of the people who had taking hard drugs had elevated to another level and were beligerantly rolling around/falling over/on us. seriously I was like, I'm curious how these people could be so ridiculously fucked up right now! it took me about an hour in line at the bar to get one cup of bud light! WTF?! haha jk they weren't drunk. they were on E. NEwayZ, we took this as the cue to bounce. leading up to the best part of the evening...
going on the red carpet that everyone had long since abandoned and pretending to be famous. haha. so good! I took Jessie's picture and this guy tried to jump in, and I scolded him like, "hey! get out of there! your not famous!" then he got totally sad and was like, "well, maybe I will be someday... :(" all frowny face style. and suddenly his bar tender/day job/out of work actor status revealed its self. buck up out of work actor! your big break could be just around the corner! Dreams come true!!
Here's some girl's VLOG about it, i feel like i was there! oh wait...
Stay tuned for a new post about the Harvest Festival! I can't wait!